Mangesh Chauhan

Mangesh Chauhan

Mangesh Chauhan is one of the most dedicated and committed real estate agents in the nation.

Mangesh’s in-depth training includes special real estate courses such as Real Estate Practice, Economics, Financing, Property Management, Legal Aspects, Real Estate Appraisal, Real Estate Investments, Exchanges, Taxation and Creative Financing.

Mangesh’s customers and clients continually comment on his warm personality and personal commitment in making their real estate transactions a pleasurable experience.

If you are looking for 18 years of Knowledge, Experience, Professionalism, Integrity, and Personal Service in a real estate agent, Mangesh Chauhan has them all.



Contact Details
  • Office : 646-981-6936
  • Mobile : 973-641-0121
  • Fax : 646-981-6937

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